How to Write Your Own Wedding Ceremony Script

Writing your own wedding ceremony can be a meaningful and memorable way to personalize your wedding and express your unique relationship with your partner. Since we’ve written more than our share over the years, we have a few suggestions to help you get started. 

Reflect on your values and beliefs

Before you start writing, take some time to reflect on your values and beliefs as a couple. What is important to you in your relationship, and what kind of marriage do you want to create? Use these reflections to guide your writing and to ensure that your ceremony reflects your shared values.

Choose your format

There are many different formats for a wedding ceremony, from traditional religious ceremonies to secular and non-traditional ceremonies. Think about what format will work best for your officiant as well as you and your partner, and choose the elements that are most important to you.

Start with an outline

Once you have a format in mind, create an outline for your ceremony. This will help you to organize your thoughts and ensure that you cover all of the important elements of a wedding ceremony.

→ Check out our blog post that covers everything to include in your ceremony!

Write your own vows

Your vows are the heart of your ceremony and are a chance to express your love and commitment to your partner. Take some time to write your vows, and think about what promises you want to make to each other. 

→ Need some help writing your vows? Check out this blog post or our wedding vows workbook — Your Love, In Writing — which includes two template vows, brainstorming prompts, example vows, and lots of tips to help you write the perfect vows. 

Include readings or music

Readings or music can add a personal touch to your ceremony and can be a way to involve family or friends in the ceremony. Choose readings or music that are meaningful to you and your partner.

Practice, practice, practice

Once you have written your ceremony, practice reading it to ensure that it flows well spoken out loud. And more importantly, get it to your officiant so they can get comfortable saying all the words. Ideally, schedule a rehearsal or two with your officiant to practice the ceremony and ensure that everyone knows their roles.

Remember, your wedding ceremony should be a reflection of your relationship and your love for each other. Don't be afraid to get creative and make it your own!

Learn more about how Vow Muse can help with all the wedding words!


Or if you’ve already written something and need a professional to edit it, we can help with that too: